NCG has launched a various initiatives focused on improving the quality and affordability of cancer care in India. These initiatives aim to support all the NCG member centers and enable them to provide high quality cancer care to patients.
Quality control is the basic step in pathology practice in order to ensure accurate patient diagnosis. With the widespread availability of targeted therapeutic options for various cancers, prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers have gained the forefront in guiding patient treatment and outcome. For maximum patient benefit all test results should be reproducible. This requires a consensus form of testing and reporting across all the pathology laboratories. With this vision in mind, we have started External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) for Surgical Pathology and Molecular Pathology under the realm of National Cancer Grid.
Aim: To provide a forum for on-going standardization of pathology services across the country and address critical issues, aims to build national guideline data base and common practice for all
The QI Hub aims to initiate, inculcate and integrate the culture of Quality through its immersion educational initiative EQuIP-India - Enable Quality Improve Patient Care. This educational program provides the participants with conceptual understanding and an immersion experience necessary to respond to quality related problems across a complex environment such as clinical practice settings.
The Virtual Tumor Board (VTB) is an NCG initiative aimed at providing standardized care to individuals across the country. Different centres from across India join the Virtual Tumour Board to discuss management of Oncology cases.
KCDO helps NCG and NCG affiliated hospitals adopt digital health tools, drive collaboration and create digital transformation roadmaps, with the objective of improving the quality, affordability, accessibility and outcomes of cancer care to patients.
Shri K. N. Vyas, Secretary DAE & Chairman AEC launched NCG Vishwam Cancer Care Connect on 17th September 2019 in Vienna on the sidelines of 63rd General conference of IAEA. By virtue of this, National Cancer Grid (NCG) established and managed by Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), which has participating stake holders from India has been made open to the cancer hospitals and other relevant institutes from foreign countries.
This is a project under the aegis of National Cancer Grid. The project involves establishment of a Travelling School of Onco-pathology that helps train surgeons and pathologists to adopt uniform practices during onco-surgery and gross examination of tumour bearing resections respectively.